Thursday, February 23, 2012

Well- Branded Digital Presence

Well-branded digital appearance is a great way for a company to get to know you via Internet.  It could either help you in the future or hurt you with finding a job interview.  I really enjoyed viewing Kim Mance page because I believe how she organized it out fits her personality as a travel writer.  I like how it is clean with a simple bulletin board being the main focus.  She seems like a simple, down to earth kind of lady. I also think that it catches interviewers eyes with the four descriptive words that describe Kim.    I believe that any type of form of digital appearance can be helpful to anyone such as, Face book, Twitter, Linked In, or creating a blog.  Any of these is a great way to get your name out in the world to lead to great success.  A few important tips to remember for college students is to keep your profile clean and appropriate.  I also believe that having your profile private will benefit you and keep all your information safe for the most part.  I think that it is important to have on your page your interests and what skills you are good at.  It is also a great way for you to see what other people have to offer on their page and maybe you will get some examples to add onto yours. Therefore, all of these qualities will catch the company’s eye and will learn more about you just for your page.   Overall, it is a great way to communicate with one another and lead to a positive outcome.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

adobe photoshop

This program was tricky for me to work with, since I am more familiar with Iphoto with Mac computer. I edited a few photos that I took off my facebook,which turned out very different. I saved them to my desktop which I will add to my blog later.  I will become more familiar with it, after I start to use it more often. 

adobe illustrator